Help us to help our kids

11 Sep 2020 by Dale Houlston

Our football season commences this weekend, and we need your help to help our young players. We do not want to see children’s football have to halt once again because of the risks associated with Coronavirus.

The latest instruction from the Football Association in relation to the application of the Covid-19 guidelines, highlights one issue in particular.

It is apparent that the greatest threat to the continuation of grassroots football is the management of social distancing. It is imperative that all clubs and all teams rigidly apply these guidelines to players and spectators alike. There is no room for manoeuvre, and no scope for exceptions in relation to social distancing.

We play in the Mid Lincs County Youth League, and they fully endorse the guidelines particularly with regards to distancing matchdays. We support this too. So we would ask parents and spectators to spread out around the perimeter of pitches and viewing areas, in groups of no more than 6.

Please be vigilant and ask people to abide by the guidelines if you see that they aren’t. Better still, then volunteer to help out your coaches and managers who are already busy running the team, offering to be the person that manages the spectators at your games on matchdays. Any assistance would be appreciated.

We have been informed that where serious breaches of the guidelines are confirmed, the league we will have no hesitation in suspending individual teams and clubs from all competitions. They do not wish to appear heavy-handed but everyone has a responsibility in ensuring the safety of everyone involved and also in ensuring that grassroots football continues to be played and enjoyed throughout the coming season by our young players.

Thank you for your help in this matter

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