25 Sep 2020 by Press Officer

Over the first few weeks of the football season we have received a number of quite understandable enquiries from parents in relation to COVID-19 and playing grassroots junior football. We have also had one or two concerns regarding people connected with the club, who may have been near somebody with COVID-19, or may themselves have presented with symptoms. We are pleased to report that in every case so far, the following of guidelines and protocols have enabled us to manage these instances entirely as prescribed, and it is even more pleasing to report that the outcome of all of these instances have been negative.

As a football club we continue to follow the government approved FA guidelines for a safe return to grassroots football. We have risk assessed as required and our risk assessment and procedure has been published and kept updated on each occasion that a revision has been required. The risk assessment and procedure remains available to download on this website and is also published on or social media sites too.

At the time of writing, Public Health England still assure us that with the guidelines and procedures in place being adhered to, that competitive grassroots football, particularly junior and youth football, is a safe and low risk environment at present. Whilst there may be a few twists and turns on the way, with needs to safely address any individual identified risks on route, we are extremely optimistic that we will be able to complete the 2020/21 football season safely. In doing so we urge all coaches, players and spectators to remain vigilant in assisting to maintain a safe environment, by staying familiar with the content of the guidelines, risk assessment and procedures; in order that we can protect everyone and enable our children to keep enjoying the sport that they love. Positivity all-round in assisting with this is key to football continuity.

The FA has issued some answers to “frequently asked questions” in relation to COVID-19 and football. We have attached this document to this news article and it will remain on our website too in the “documents” section for as long as the contents remain valid and up to date. It answers many of the question that crop up in relation to COVID-19.

Thank you everyone for your help in ensuring that things are being done right, and keep up the good work.

Skegness Town JFC

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